Plananska, J. (2023). Urgent need for developing phosphorus processing capacity in Europe. July 2023, Norge Mining.
Plananska, J. (2023). Europe's urgent need for primary vanadium production. July 2023, Norge Mining.
Plananska, J. (2022). Are Singaporeans open to autonomous public transit?. September 2022, NextTrends Asia.
Plananska, J. (2021). The Next Frontier of Electric Mobility. December 2021, Motion Magazine.
Plananska, J. (2023). Food Security in Times of Global Instability. Moderator of a Panel discussion, International Conservation Caucus Foundation (ICCF) Annual Event, October 2023, Washington D.C., USA.
Plananska, J. (2022). Fair and sustainable future of transport and buildings: Outlook for the Czech Presidency, Moderator of a Roundtable, Center for Transport and Energy (CDE) and EUROPEUM, Institute for European Policy.
Plananska, J., & Mastny, J. (2022). Renewables & E-Mobility - Harmonic Relationship. Workshop leader. 2nd Slovak and Czech Annual Symposium, Zurich, Switzerland.
Plananska, J. (2022). Future of Mobility Roundtable. Panelist in a Roundtable, 51st St. Gallen Symposium, Switzerland.
Plananska, J. (2022). Decarbonisation of Czech Automotive Industry. Panelist, Conference and panel discussion, EUROPEUM, Prague, Czech Republic.
Plananska, J. (2021). Electric Mobility - Future Trend or a Catastrophe for Automobile Industry?. Panelist, Panel Discussion, EUROPEUM, Prague, Czech Republic.
Plananska, J. (2021). Electric Mobility Transition: Insight from Emerging Economies in Asia and Africa. Panelist, Panel Discussion, Global Green Growth Week 2021, Global Green Growth Institute.
Plananska, J., & Dällenbach, N., (2021). The Role of Product Bundling to Electrify Post Covid-19 Urban Transport. #GreenBagSeries Webinar, Institute for Economy and the Environment, University of St.Gallen, Switzerland.
Dällenbach, N., & Plananska, J. (2021). Learning (not) to fly - Overcoming emotional barriers to low-carbon travel. #GreenBagSeries Webinar, Institute for Economy and the Environment, University of St.Gallen, Switzerland.
Plananska, J. (2019). Urban mobility in the time of climate emergency. Panelist, Panel Discussion, Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung Prague, Czech Republic.
Plananska, J. (2019). Customer acceptance of electric mobility: Vehicle purchase process understanding for a more efficient EV promotion in Switzerland. Webinar, Young Talent Development Webinar Series, SCCER Mobility, Switzerland.
Schär, P. (2022). Mobilität und Nachhaltigkeit - Interview mit Dr. Jana Plananska. Interview with OstSinn, Association focusing on Sustainability in Eastern Switzerland.
Plananska, J. (2022). Green Deal is More Important than Ever Before. Article and recording from the conference and panel discussion Decarbonisation of Czech Automotive Industry. Denik N.
Plananska, J. (2019). Impacts of flying on environment and travel behaviour change. Interview at the Czech Public Radio.
Häne, S., & Poletti, G. (2019). Autohändler bieten nur selten Elektroautos an. Newspaper article with a contribution by Wüstenhagen, R., & Plananska, J. Tages Anzeiger, Berner Zeitung, Basler Zeitung.